Tag Archives: Journal topics

How big are our shoulders?

We have to comfort, educate, discipline, cajole and care for 100-200 students a year and instead of getting a pat on the back, we often get [...]

Classroom organization

I have been neglectful in my Challenge duties. Thanks to @jcolque for her 30 day challenge to help me reflect about my teaching practices. [...]

I became a teacher because..

I am thinking about this thanks to @jcolque who has issued a 30 day challenge  to help us reflect on our teaching. Day 1:  How did you dec [...]

Writing Fix’s Serendipitous Plot Creator

   This site allows you to randomly select a setting, character and conflict for story writing.  Press the button and you will be given a [...]

Pattie Maes researches the tools we use

I have come across Ted Talks often and I tune in, listen and then reflect and move on feeling inspired and ready to take on the world. I fee [...]

My 2020

10 Years From Now, What Do You Hope Your Life Will Be Like? Fast forward to the future another Plinky topic In 10 years, I will still be an [...]

Minding your p’s and q’s

How polite are you?  Realllly?  Plinky wants to know Here are a few Plinky topics from last week that I am going to try to answer.  If I [...]

Create a story

Look at the photo and use your imagination to create a story that explains what is present in the photo.  Consider the following questions: [...]

Your face will freeze like that

Student Writing Prompt Can you imagine if your face was stuck like that? Look at the photo and use your imagination to create a story that e [...]

The Monkey God…

Can you see the two monkeys? Look at the photos and use your imagination to create a story that explains what is present in the photo. Consi [...]

Food Insecurity

“‘I don’t like letting nobody…know I’m hungry,'” Lewis Roman. 13, says. He lives in Philadelphia, and “ [...]

Silly Short Story Ideas

 Silly short story ideas: A talking cat wishes he was never born. A desperate mother has 24 hours to save her family from kidnappers. A wit [...]
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