Blogging is Sharing
I am a Techie Teacher, Lifelong Learner, Mother of 2 and Facilitator of Many.
My posts are categorized by their purpose and subject matter:
Interested in some of the things that I am doing, or want to do, or know can be done in a classroom? Click My Class.
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Category Archives: My World
We are finished reading. Now what?
Here are presentation materials. Sign In Sheet so that we can remain in contact. I am working on this “Show Me What You Know” h [...]
From marshmellows to Google viewfinders
We have had a long year and we have done some wonderful things. And some not so wonderful things. I am stoked that my applicat [...]
Louisiana Teachers Blog y’all
What happens when you gather a room full of Lousiana bloggers in a library on a Saturday? The 1st Annual Louisiana Teacher Blogger Meetup, o [...]
Recap of #RSCON5 Mini-Conference
I spent this morning with educators from all over the world and I loved it!!! We talked about sites and resources that we can use to help ma [...]
News is Needed in our Classes
From time to time I re-evaluate what I currently do and what I have done in the past. One of these re-evaluation reflection sessions led me [...]
Self Driven Professional Development #RSCON4
Reform Symposium Free Online Conference (RSCON) is an online worldwide event that took place this weekend, October 11th – 13th. Shelly [...]
I will be presenting at RSCON, LCTE, TCEA and hopefully LACUE!!!
‘Tis the season to present…. fa-la-la-la-laaaaaa-la-la-la-la I really do believe that to blog is to share and to learn. I love b [...]
NPR talks and tweets about U.S.Education, #NPRAspen
On Monday and Tuesday, July 1 and 2 (11:00 – 12:00 EST, NPR’s Tell Me More will host two live radio broadcasts and Twitter chats from [...]
Replying is Crucial #Slice2013
I know that it is important to reply when spoken to. A student says “Good Morning” to me in the crowded hallway and I will gener [...]
Online Learning via PLN, #Slice2013
There are so many ways to stay connected and in the loop. I bounce all over the web looking for educational bytes of information. Twitter [...]
Seek with passion
Being open to learning is the key to growing. When you seek something with passion and persistence, it seeks you. I wish that [...]
Test Stress #Slice2013
Why do we do this to our kids? I am doing test prep exercises to help my students gain confidence and lessen their levels of test anxiety. I [...]