Category Archives: My Heart

Online Learning via PLN, #Slice2013

There are so many ways to stay connected and in the loop. I bounce all over the web looking for educational bytes of information.  Twitter [...]

Seek with passion

    Being open to learning is the key to growing. When you seek something with passion and persistence, it seeks you. I wish that [...]

Writing Prompts

Below are some of the many sites that I have seen this year that have quick and easy ways to provide your students with writing prompts. &nb [...]

School, I <3 you, but ... #Slice2013

Today’s slice inspiration comes from  This site has daily writing prompts that you can use in class. One of the lates [...]

Introducing…. Me #Slice2013

As though my plate isn’t full enough already, I am working with Matthew Williams in an online class, Teaching with Digital Media Onlin [...]

Jumping in head first, 1 of 31 #slice2013

I have decided to join the Slice of Life Story Challenge sponsored by The Two Writing Teachers. The goal is to write everyday this month. I [...]

My 2012 LACUE

I have three sessions to present at LACUE this year!!! Session Title: “EdCamps – the new way to do Professional Development” CONGR [...]

EdCamp, the ultimate connector #ce12

EdCamps are a great way to connect with other educators in your area. If you are tired of the same old PD, EdCamps, the unconferences, are t [...]

TTT and Connected Educators

“I am not a teacher, but an awakener.”  ― Robert Frost I just finished a Google + hangout and it was awesommme. Teachers Teaching Tea [...]

Sharing and giving back

Each night we are asked in our DENSI team meetings what we can do to promote community service. I have decided to go ahead with my incomplet [...]

I have been chosen to present at T.C.E.A.

I just saw this email “Dear Valerie, We are pleased and excited to inform you the TCEA Workshops and Sessions Committee has accepted y [...]
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