
“I Can” Statements

I have gone back and forth and up and down creating different formats of a participation sheet that helps students track their work.  I was browsing blog sites the other day (something you should start doing if you do not already do so) and came across a series of I Can statements listed in the widget of an English Teacher’s Class Blog.

I like the idea of having the student make/write/check off Affirmation Statements that say what they can do in our class with the English content.

We are working on nonfiction and persuasive writing so I would like to use the following statements for them.

I Can statements

I can examine how the author chooses to structure the text.
I can determine how the structure contributes to the meaning of the text.
I can evaluate the style of the text and how it adds to the meaning of the text.
I can determine two or more central ideas of a text.
I can examine the central ideas of the text and how they interact together to provide meaning.
I can summarize the text.
I can write an argument using valid reasoning with relevant and sufficient evidence.
I can identify significant and opposing arguments.
I can use syntax (sentence fluency) to clarify the relationships among my claims, reasons, and counterclaims.
I can use appropriate style and tone to create a written product.
I can use correct and appropriate conventions in my writing.
I can provide a concluding statement that supports my argument.
I can present the information and supporting evidence to convey a clear point of view.
I can present information so that listeners can follow my line of reasoning.
I can use appropriate organization, development, substance, and style to establish a purpose and audience.
I can understand how language functions in different contexts.
I can make choices in language to understand reading or listening.
I can use a variety of references to understand syntax (sentence fluency) when reading complex texts.

image source: http://forums.electronicarts.co.uk/battlefield


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