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EdCampLa Topics – Ideas anyone?

edcamp stuff

I am thinking about the next steps for our EdCampLa in July and I want to organize our sessions so that most of our attendees have a chance to get SOMETHING from each session: activities, tips, resources, support, collaborative partners, etc.  I think that the only way to accomplish this is to do a little session pre-planning.

Yes, Yes, Yes, I know that EdCamps are to be run unstructured, allowing the presenters to create the program agenda using a sign up board and… post-it notes or some other ‘marking’ system.  I agree with this to a degree; my preferences are for a more structured agenda that makes sure that the attendees have sessions that they can truly benefit from.

Just a few topics that I hope that we explore:

  1. Using wikis and blogs in the class
  2. Digital Storytelling tips
  3. Uses for Google apps
  4. Project Based Learning
  5. iPads/iPods in the classroom
  6. Ideas to engage students
  7. Tips for the 1 to 1 classroom
  8. Cross curricular project planning
  9. Creating podcasts/vodcasts
  10. Running a school/classroom online newspaper
  11. Differentiating lessons for students with varying abilities
  12. Social Media 101
  13. Classroom management 101

I think that it is also important to setup a wiki so that presenters can upload materials for others to peruse.  In the event that a potential presenter is unable to host a session, I want attendees who are interested in that topic to be able to get assistance and guidance through activity on the wiki.  It is my hope that eveyone will want to go to allll of the sessions and we can use this wiki as a means to communicate with one another so that everyone will leave with great information.  The wiki will give everyone a chance to view resources before the EdCamp and they will be able to use them long after EdCamp.

 David Wees created a post reflecting on his EdCamp experience, Edcamp Vancouver – “The Best Professional Development of My Life.”   Each session had a brief presentation followed by conversation with the audience.  He created a graphic that shows what I hope our attendees will experience.  They spent the majority of the time talking, sharing, growing and learning.  EdCamps allow us the opportunity to actual spend time with colleagues talking about our craft and learning from each other. 

Opportunities for sharing

I dreamed of us having a ‘Birds of a Feather’ lunch where we could talk and swap information.  EdCampLa will allow us to do this within each session.  Just like for our students, collaborating with our colleagues helps to solidify our own knowledge as we explain our views and activities to others. 

EdCamps allow Professional Educators to share topics of interest with other Professional Educators who are interested in these topics.  Whoa, how great is that?  Being able to talk to an audience who wants to hear what you have to say is what real Professional Development is about. Or what it should be about.

Anyone else have any ideas for topics that they would like to talk or hear about?


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