Blogging is Sharing
I am a Techie Teacher, Lifelong Learner, Mother of 2 and Facilitator of Many.
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Category Archives: Showcasing work
Google Slides to the rescue
Google slides are an integral part of my class. I use them to give and collect information and resources. Google Slides are great for: Missi [...]
Creating social media posts
The four categories of focus for a RAFT include: Role of the Writer: Who are you as the writer? A movie star? The President? A plant? [...]
Creating Interactive Images
After students read text have them create memes or gifs regarding the themes, characters, main ideas, concepts, etc. They use critical th [...]
My Scholars are Online and Passionate
We are in the midst of Pursuing our Passions as we work through our #PassionateScholars Project. My Scholars are researching a topic that i [...]
I signed up for an Educator’s account on the website and I haven’t had time to play. I just created my first on [...]
Smore posters
Smore online posters are great tools to use to publish and showcase work/information. I have not used them in class yet, but I intend to hav [...]
More about
Lately I have been delivering presentations about creating ePortfolios using My latest presentation was given for Live.Classroom [...]
Our Students Consume Information more than snacks
Our kids are not just consuming chips and cookies. Technology has allowed them to be consumers of information. They use laptops, tablets/p [...]
My Me Manifesto
I am working my way through Shelly Terrell’s #30GoalsEdu Each week there are a [...]
RAFTing – a writing strategy to demonstrate understanding
The RAFT writing technique requires students to focus on the Role, Audience, Format and Topic of their writing assignment. I use the RAF [...]