Blogging is Sharing
I am a Techie Teacher, Lifelong Learner, Mother of 2 and Facilitator of Many.
My posts are categorized by their purpose and subject matter:
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Category Archives: Blogging Challenge
Revamping my Summary Assignments
I am Shaking up the way I have my scholars summarize information. This MONTH’S #BLOGAMONTH TOPIC is a challenge to ‘do thin [...]
I can’t live without Twitter #BC20 .3
Today’s 20 Blog Challenge topic asks me to name a website that I can’t live without. I really thought about this for awhile be [...]
Organizational Tip #20DayBC
Anyone who knows me that Being Organized is something that I am NOT. I TRY, but I FAIL, often. Because I know myself and my weaknesses, I am [...]
Favorite book to teach
I have committed to blogging more thanks to Kelly Hines. She has created a list of blogging topics that I hope to follow. Below is the cha [...]