
Blogging to speculate and question

Really confused and don’t know how to respond?

Try out any of these suggestions below.

Free Response Journal entry: Before you begin to write be sure to complete a free response journal entry on paper.  Start writing about your video/t.v. show/movie/song. Write non-stop.   What was confusing? What did you disagree with?  Once you have had an opportunity to free write, begin to compose your response.  Do Not Forget.  You are to change the information that is located between the <brackets>

  1. I’m not really understanding some of <Title>, by <Author’s First and Last Name> because <Finish this sentence.> An example of what I mean is on page or act from video/movie/song/tv show< ___ >.  “<Copy a couple of lines or a paragraph from the story.>” I think this is <adjective> because… <Add 1 or 2 sentences>
  2. My questions started on page or when < ____ > “<Copy another 2 or 3 sentences or a pagagraph from the story or lines of dialogue from movie/tv show/song>.” I think that this is important because <Explain the biggest events or conflicts in the story/movie/video/tv show so far, then go onto explain why you think this particular event or conflict is confusing , surprising, unusual, odd, or unclear.>
  3. Another place where I had questions in <Title> was on page < _____> where <Explain what happens.> I think the author is trying to make the point that <Make a guess — speculate — as to what point the author is trying to make with this section of the book/movie/tv show/video/song.>
  4. I <am / am not> looking forward to reading the rest of this book/seeing the rest of the movie/video/tv show  because <Add 2 or 3 sentences explaining why you feel this way.> What’s probably going to happen next is <Make predictions about what will happen next to one or more of the characters in your book /show/movie>

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