
Blogging about a vid, show, movie or song

communicateHow do you create a post about a video, t.v. show, movie, song, etc.?

Free Response Journal entry: Before you begin to write be sure to complete a free response journal entry on paper.  Start writing about your video/t.v. show/movie/song. Write non-stop.  What did it remind you of?  What have you thought about your video/t.v. show/movie/song since the last time you saw or heard it? Once you have had an opportunity to free write, begin to compose your response.  Do Not Forget.  You are to change the information that is located between the <brackets>

  1. Tell me how you feel about the video/t.v. show/movie/song: I <am / am not> <verb ending with “-ing” that shows emotion> <Title>, by <Artist’s First and Last Name> because <Finish this sentence.> An example of what I mean is < indicate some part of the song/video/T. V. show/movie that supports your idea >.  “<Copy a couple of lines dialogue from the song/video/T. V. show/movie.>” I think this is <adjective> because… <Add 1 or 2 sentences>
  2. Compare your story to another So far, the <plot / characters / themes> in <Title> remind me of the <plot / characters / themes> in <a song/video/T.V. show/movie…>. In  “<Title>” <Add 3 or 4 sentences describing why the characters in your book remind you of the characters in this TV show/movie/video/song.>
  3. Give brief summary: So far, the <plot / characters / themes> in <Title> is <…….>.  In <Title > <Add 5 or 6 sentences describing for your readers what is going on in your movie/t.v. show/ video/song..>
  4. Comparison to your life So far, the <plot / characters / themes> in <Title> reminds me of something important in my life. For me. <Finish this one, then add 3 or 4 more sentences explaining how you see the big idea of this movie/video/song/t.v.show playing out in your life.>
  5. Author Interest: I <would / wouldn’t> like to read/see/listen to more <poems/movies/tv shows/songs > by <Author’s First and Last Name>, because…  <Add 4  or 5 sentences explaining why you feel this way.>
  6. Something interesting happens: Something interesting happens on page < ____ > where it says: “<Copy another 2 or 3 sentences or a pagagraph from the story>.” This is a important point in the plot because <Explain the biggest events or conflicts in the story so far, then go on to explain why you think this particular event or conflict is interesting, surprising, predictable (or not), unsusual, fun, odd, or enjoyable.>
  7. Theme: One of the big ideas or themes in this this movie/video/song/t.v.show is <Finish this sentence.> You can see this on line <_____> where it says: “<Copy lines from the this movie/video/song/t.v.show >.” As you can see <Author’s Last Name> wants us to think about… <re-state what you think the main ideas are behind the lines and literary elements within the this movie/video/song/t.v.show.>
  8. Current Event: So far,  the <plot / characters / themes> in <Title> reminds me of a story in the news. What happened was…<Add 3 or 4 sentences telling about something from the news. Give the source of your information. Make a link to it if possible. Describe what is similar and what is different in the story from the news and the one in your movie/video/song/t.v.show.>

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